For the voracious readers of scientific inclination out there, please allow me to refer to the bestseller of circa 1687 – Philosophiae Naturalis Principiae Mathematica. When God hit Mr. Isaac Newton in the head with that ripened apple, He was aiming for certain emotional nodes in the left parietal. He missed and the out came a few more chapters of the textbooks, which became the source of chagrin for some high school freshmen a few centuries later. No compassion there, only gravitation and motion. God’s flawed aim has also been argued over for centuries. Recently, He sent down “Katrina” to an American city and only area left untouched was surrounding the “Bourbon Street”.
In Principiae, the first law declares that a body will try to persist (protest and even refuse to budge) in the same state unless an external force is applied to compel it. Mr. Newton… will be glad to know that you have been gone for a while but the external force has continued its pestering.
The primary source of this external force is generally one’s significant other and she applies it gently, disguised in a dulcet packaging,” Honey, I made salad for you today”. No one has been ever able to explain to me as to how one can MAKE salad? By all technical and non-technical definitions provided by the FDA, salad can only be nomenclature-ized under pre-fabricated consumable. To “make food” one must alter the form, fit and function of the starting material. Chopping a broccoli into three pieces does not qualify, unless you dip them in batter (change of form), deep fry them (change of fit-ness) and serve with a pint of beer (change of function). If you still insist on salad, I would rather gulp a cup of ranch dressing and call it food. Coming across this particularly tricky source of external force, some brave ones among us retort by saying things such as ”last time I had MADE food was when I was dating you”. But then, one risks the suspension of one’s constitutional rights followed by excruciating distress from the declaration of martial law and external force turning vindictive.
Parents are also catching up with changing times. Father and mother have embarked on their own path of “fit seniors” in the era of satellite television and pirated DVDs. A few exercise DVDs and mom has begun to explain the finer points of brisk walking and benefits of yoga. And father…..father has begun to talk suspiciously fondly of Jane Fonda. The duo’s external force is neither disguised nor dulcet, and it renders you absolutely retort-less with ,”when you walk, there seems to be another person walking in front of you…when are you going to get rid of him”.
And then there is whole crop of pestering physicians, marathon running cousins, teenage children who do not want to be seen with you, but think that it is becoming harder since you are one of the few man made structures who are now visible from the outer space, and last but not the least is that “militarized” Uncle, whose vocabulary has been confined to two English words – Boot Camp. I say stand-at-ease, soldier.
The second law quoted as original : Mutationem motus proportionalem esse vi motrici impressae, et fieri secundum lineam rectam qua vis illa imprimitur. Translated into American English…..The fiery force will hold the body by its rectum and proportional mutation will follow. Just kidding……actually this is the law, which establishes a relationship between force, mass and acceleration. When the external force becomes unbearable, the male masses gather their woods and irons, and accelerate towards the nearest public golf course. A notable exception has been pointed to me by some keen students. Close to the closing time of 2:30 PM, large masses have been observed to make lightning rounds of buffet line under the influence of scientifically feeble aromatic forces.
While we are at the subject of physics, we might as well discuss the third law too. The third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction…..unless you are a married man. If you are, you are perhaps used to seeing a very high number of reactions. Sometimes, you might be vaguely aware of the action which triggered the reaction. The disproportionateness of this particularly lopsided action-reaction system makes the engineer inside me wonder. Maybe this is the system which could be the source of perpetual energy scientists have been looking for. The deterrence to the scientific community of course is the extreme instability of one of the electrodes.
Moving on from Mr. Newton to Herr Einstein. Since there is no record of God hitting Einstein with an apple (or a falling piano), a popular belief during my graduate school was that E=mc2 was a result of “Drinking and De-riving”. If circumstantial evidence is of any consequence, it was published for the first time during “Oktoberfest”. I lied (repeatedly) during my freshmen college class when I claimed to have understood the Einstein’s theory. When the speed increases, the time slows down. Many years later, well advanced from my freshmen years, I had a live demonstration of the theory when I got onto the tread mill for the first time. As the speed increased, time not only slowed down, it almost came to a screeching halt. My exact words were….What ???? I have been running only for four minutes and 32 seconds !!!!! Check the clock.
I can continue with this random scientific discourse on this lazy weekend from the relative comfort of my couch but I hear the external force turning vocal upstairs. My immediate presence is being demanded and I must go…….my engines are set to warp……God Speed !!!!
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Excellent observation, there are probably more ways to figure out the magnitude of the lie.
If Energy has no carrier, if it doesn't go in anything or exist out of anything...if a potential is something that has not happened jet by definition... then may we conclude energy does not exist???
It's a potential for something to exist, it's not a guarantee in any way?
The way I see it, vibrations travel from the macro to the micro cosmos over a much bigger array of dimensions as we can observe.
Neither the micro nor the macro side has an "ending" or "limit". There always and ever are smaller particles. :) Even the smallest move you make has galactic influence to the micro universe's.
When you pound your head on the desk you can hear the vibrations travel to the micro world. As an analog recording the vibrations always remain in the system.
They can however colide into resonance and grow back into macro effects like with a nuke for example. Or kind of stay in limbo like the sun. The sum doesn't have am upper or lower limit as the flow of energy is so enormous it's just irrelivant. At least thats what I think aobut it. lol :-)
I'm looking into permanentmagnet powered motors. (fuelless engines)
Here is some of what I've found thus far.
Bill Muller
Build an highly efficient high rpm pulse motor.
David Hamel
David Hamel demonstrated how ambient vibrations may be guided into rotary motion. He designed a space craft that is so elegantly simple it would be impossible to believe if it wasn't that he has demonstrated the effect up to a small toy that you can make yourself.
Wesley Gary
in US Patent No. 190206 Wesley Gary described the combination of pushing and pulling. His devices embodies a permanent magnetic north and a permanent magnetic south pole with one end of a ferromagnetic core placed in the center, as a result the core moves neither up nor down. By creating an electromagnetic pole between the 2 permanent magnetic poles (what I refer to as) the effect of 3 points interacting arises. Said pole is now subjected to both push and pull but in complimentary direction. This while the electricity consumed reflects the difference between the push and pull.
John Ecklin
In US Patent No. 3879622 John Ecklin described how he used magnetic shielding to vary the flux extending from a fixed permanent magnet into a fixed coil thus moving only the shield thus (to which I refer as) making 3 points interact.
Joseph Newman
The Newman energy machine utilizes pulses, a double 3 way interaction with the Back EMF field collapsing in the same direction as the current allowing it to bridge a spark gap and surge back into the battery.
Veljko Milkovic
Veljko Milcovic build a 2 stage oscillator existing out of a balanced horizontal beam with a pendulum attached to it. This configuration makes the required input reverse proportional with the load.
Reidar Finsrud
The Perpetual mobile artwork by Reidar Finstrud displays the combination of 2 stage oscillation with the reduction of gravity and magnetomechanical hypnosis.
Kohei Minato
Patented various magnetmotor implementatioins using angled placement of magnets.
Sun et al
The motors build by Sun et al utilize Pulsed magnetic fields and self spinning wheels powered by permanent magnets placed under an angle around the rim.
Jack Hildenbrand
Jack showed how a permanent magnetic loop can be closed by embedding the magnet into a ferromagnetic core, when this core is magnetized by the coil wrapped around it both the coil and the permanent magnet erect a field in the very same direction. The ferromagnetic core, the magnet and the coil represent (that what I refer to as) the 3 interacting points.
Charles J. Flynn
Mr. Flynn has brought his flux switching innovation all the way from the drawing board onto the production line.
Teruo Kawai
A flux switching technology much like that of Mr Flynn.
Bob Teal
The magnapulsion technology utilized that what is referred to as back EMF in a forwards sense there of. The coil has a movable core in which it inducts a field allowing it to repel it. Both at the top and at the bottom of the coil there are 3 points interacting, combined with the lack of back EMF it explains the extreme power output he claimed.
Troy Reed
Troy's combination of flux switching with collector coils can only be described as Surge technologies.
Tomas Henry Moray
Moray developed a reported inexhaustible environmental energy source by means of radiant energy.
Hector D Perez Torres
The Rotoverter technology aims to reduce the energy consumption of conventional electric motors by running it on it's resonant frequency and scaling the amplitude with the size of the load.
John Searl
A very complex 3 way interacting flux levitated rotor, overunity is accomplished by bleeding excess magnetic flux onto inner and outer rotor rings. He invented a most elegant inertial propulsion system and invented the neodymium magnet.
Doy Presley
3 way interacting magnetic oscillator.
Howard R Johnson
Utilizing special shapes of magnets.
Mike Brady
Magnetic interaction possibly amplified using magnetic shielding with dynamic acoustics.
Nicola Tesla
The man who made Einstein look like Yogi bear. He came close to saving the world.
Yoshiro Nakamats
Patent collecting.
Other permanent magnetmotor inventors.
As you can see, it's impossible. lol It's awfully interesting I think? People say I'm nuts but I can have peace with the thought of everyone giving me their money. lol
Anyway, thanks for the post it was a fun marriage while it lasted.
Remember not to listen to anyone. lol
Hehe!!! Lol. Loved reading your philosophical physics exposition. I loved Physics until my first year in college. I still do, though I don't really get the time to study it except if I take it up on whim.
There is so much hidden knowledge it's just mind boggling. Here is a good video about the classified physics.
Signals though time? lol?
Humans can just pull the facts out of thin air also. lol
Please steal all "my" topics for the blog.
Help save the world, lol
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